IACT Staff

Concepción Jiménez de Cisneros Vencelá

I started my research career with the development of geochemical studies (mineralogical, isotopic and trace elements, (Jiménez de Cisneros, et al., 1991, Sedimentary Geology) linked to carbonate materials from different sedimentary environments, obtaining models of genetic evolution (Jiménez de Cisneros, C.  and Vera, J.A. 1993, Sedimentology; Jiménez  de  Cisneros,  C., 1993, Sedimentary Geology; Vera, J.A. and Jiménez de Cisneros, C. 1993, Palaeo3). In the last fifteen years my main lines of research have been on paleoclimatology of carbonates with special focus in karstic environments and speleothems (Jiménez, A.P., et al., 1996, Journal of Geology; Jiménez de Cisneros et al., 2003, Palaeo3; Jiménez de Cisneros et al., 2011, Geologica Acta; Jiménez de Cisneros, C.   and Caballero, E. 2013. Natural Science; Jiménez de Cisneros, C., et al., 2014. EES; Jiménez de Cisneros et al., 2020, Open Journal of Geology. Jiménez de Cisneros, C., et al., 2021 IJER). I participed very actively in this research, as my role consisted on coordinating the selection of the material, its geochemical analysis and leading the discussion on the final results. The scientific contributions included have had relevance in the field of study, ranking within the first (Q1) and second quartiles (Q2), and contributing to the generation of knowledge.

I have made stays in different national and international centers (e.g., UPMC Paris, Département de Geologie Sedimentaire with Prof. Maurice Renard and Laboratorie hydrologie et de Geochimie isotopique. Universite de PARIS-SUD. CNRS (Prof. Jean Luc Michelot) and collaborations with other groups in the area of geochemistry, hydrology, stratigraphy, sedimentology ( I am the author or co-author of some 140 articles in congresses and scientific journals, 28 articles in impact journals with 518 cites by 493 documents, h-index: 12 (Scopus).  I liderate 80% of my publications directly relate with paleoclimatology reconstructions in caves and in the 95% publications I am among the first three authors. I participate as a autor and reviewer of articles in journals such as Quaternary Research, Carbonates and Evaporites, Environmental Earth Science, Applied Science, Palaeo3, Journal of Geology, Clay Minerals.  I participate as Prof. in the Course UNESCO “Edafología y Biología Vegetal” (1998-2021), Master University of Granada (GEOREC) 2014-2021 and Master University of Málaga (RYHMA) 2008-2012. Director and Prof. of Postgraduate Courses of the CSIC: “Curso de Isótopos Ambientales en Hidrogeología y Paleoclimatología: Principios y Aplicaciones”, 2009-2010. Responsable Researcher at “Servicio de Divulgación Científica del IACT 2014-2021”.  Supervisor of PhDs and Master thesis : 1 PhD, 1TFG and 4 TFM with maximum qualifications. Supervisor training activities for technical personnel (CFGS 2ºC). I have participated in 37 research projects I+D+i with public funding national, international (Bilateral projects with Morocco Cooperation Agreement Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Tanger (2016-2019) and regional and private (Foundation Nerja Cave 2017-2021), of which I have led a total of 10 projects. Collaboration project between the University of Birmingham, Dr. Fairchild, (2015-2016). I am very involved in science outreach and I organized different activities as Geolodía-Granada; Science Week (edition 2015-2021) and Proyecto Europeo ERAMUS + (Boosting green education at school LTT, 2020-1-IT02-KA201-079243, 2020-2022). Evaluator of International Research Projects: Israel Science Foundation (1995-1998). Member of the selection board of the Competition for the Scale of Principal Scientists of the CSIC (2017). Collaborator in evaluation processes of the ANEP National Program i+D/ 2010-2014, Ramón y Cajal Program 2013-2014. Participation panel of experts of the Subdir.Technical Commission of evaluation in the area of Earth Sciences (BTE, 2014). CSIC representative in the Governing Board of the karstic Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park. Responsible for the CSIC of the Associated Unit “Advanced Geochemistry Group” (Department of Geology) of the University of Malaga (2006-present).


  • 2016
    • Estudio de espeleotemas como indicadores del cambio paleoclimático y paleoambiental de la Cueva de Nerja

      Reference: 20165816
      Date: 30 de September del 2016 - 31 de December del 2017
      Funding agency: Fundaciones


Authors Year Title Magazine, volume, pages.
Antonio González-Ramón, Antonio Pedrera, Sergio Martos-Rosillo, Concepción Jiménez de Cisneros, Ana Ruiz-Constán, Fernando Gázquez. 2021 Constraints on the evolution of sulfuric acid speleogenesis within carbonate rocks partially covered by evaporites (Sierra de Mollina, southern Spain) Geomorphology, 390, 107866
Concepción Jiménez de Cisneros, Aránzazu Peña, Emilia Caballero, Cristina Liñán. 2020 A Multiparametric Approach for Evaluating the Current Carbonate Precipitation and External Soil of Nerja Cave (Málaga, Spain) International Journal of Environmental Research, 15, 231-243
Aránzazu Peña, Antonia Gálvez, José Antonio Rodríguez-Liébana, Concepción Jiménez de Cisneros, Alberto López Galindo, César Viseras, Emilia Caballero. 2017 Adsorption of nutrients on natural Spanish clays for enriching seed coatings Adsorption, 23, 821-829
E. Caballero, C. Jiménez de Cisneros. 2017 Partitioning of minor, trace elements and rare earth elements in bentonite affecting by thermal alteration Applied Clay Science, 147, 143-152
José Antonio Rodríguez-Liébana, Alberto López-Galindo, Concepción Jiménez de Cisneros, Antonia Gálvez, Marisa Rozalén, Rita Sánchez-Espejo, Emilia Caballero, Aránzazu Peña. 2016 Adsorption/desorption of fungicides in natural clays from Southeastern Spain Applied Clay Science, 132-133, 402-411
C. Jiménez de Cisneros, E. Caballero, B. Andreo, J. J. Durán. 2015 Climate Variability During the Middle-Late Pleistocene Based on Stalagmite from Órganos Cave (Sierra de Camorra, Southern Spain) Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems, , 559-567
C. Jiménez de Cisneros, E. Caballero. 2011 Carbon isotope values as paleoclimatic indicators. Study on stalagmite from Nerja Cave, South Spain Carbonates and Evaporites, 26, 41-46
Emilia Caballero, Concepcion Jiménez de Cisneros. 2011 Hydration properties of bentonites from Cabo de Gata (SE, Spain). Isotopic study (18O/16O; 2H/H) of the hydration water Geochemistry, 71, 389-395
C. Jiménez de Cisneros, E. Caballero. 2010 δ13C Values from a Stalagmite at the Nerja Cave, South Spain Advances in Research in Karst Media, , 497-501

PhD Thesis

  • 2021
    • Análisis microestratigráfico de las inclusiones fluidas en espeleotemas de la Cueva de Nerja

      Type: Trabajo Fin de Máster
      Date: 16/09/2021
      Autores/as de tesis: GABRIELA LONCOMILLA ROMÁN.
      Universidad de Granada
  • 2020

      Type: Trabajo Fin de Grado
      Date: 01/07/2020
      Autores/as de tesis: Celia Estrella Torres Bravo.
      Directores/as de tesis: Fernando García García y Concepción Jiménez de Cisneros Vencelá.
      Universidad de Granada
  • 2018
    • Estudio de afloramientos fluvio-lacustres carbonatados en el sector septentrional de la Cuenca de Granada (Granada, España)

      Type: Trabajo Fin de Máster
      Date: 24/07/2018
      Autores/as de tesis: Antonio Jiménez de Cisneros Zambudio.
      Directores/as de tesis: M.Concepcion Jimenez De Cisneros Vencela.
    • Variabilidad climática a partir de un registro espeleotémico del Pleistoceno Medio (Sierra del Saliente, Sur de la Península)

      Type: Trabajo Fin de Máster
      Date: 24/07/2018
      Autores/as de tesis: José Navarro Almendro.
      Directores/as de tesis: M.Concepcion Jimenez De Cisneros Vencela.

Knowledge transfer

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