IACT Staff

My research interest has evolved from metamorphic petrology towards (micro)structural geology, placing emphasis on the role of fluid-rock interactions and deformation caused by seismic activity under high-pressure conditions. I utilize various techniques such as thermobarometry, thermodynamic modeling, EBSD and µ-CT, as well as U-Pb and Ar/Ar geochronological techniques. So far, the results of my research have been applied to understanding the geodynamics of Scandinavia, Svalbard, and the Greenland Caledonides. Currently, I am focusing on the younger orogenic setting of the Betics in Southeast Spain and the Carpathians in southern Poland and northern Slovakia. I am currently working on the petrology of dehydration of serpentinites in paleo-subduction terranes in the Betics.

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“Juan de la Cierva” Fellowship (JFJC2021-047505-I) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and CSIC.


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