Geophysics, Cartography, Profile Analysis and Modelling

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Geophysics, Cartography, Profile Analysis and Modelling


The Service makes up several IACT laboratories, whose facilities allow researchers to process geological and geophysical data:

  • Processing of geophysical data (multichannel and monochannel seismic profiles, gravimetric and magnetic profiles).
  • Interpretation of seismic profiles 2D and seismic profiles 3D.
  • Design and drawing of figures and maps.


The IACT has a computer infrastructure for processing and interpretation of geological and geophysical data:

    • Visualizing, processing and interpretation of bathymetry data, obtained using multibeam probes. Software: Fledermaus, Caraibes, Caris.
    • Digitizing of seismic profiles, using analogical scanning of profiles and conversion to digital formats (eg. segy). Software: Lynx.
    • Processing of geophysical marine data, such as (multichannel and monochannel) seismic profiles, gravimetric and magnetic data. Software: Promax, RadExpro, SeismicUnix.
    • Structural analysis of geological sections, section balancing, decompacting, section restitution and prolongation in depth of surface data. Software: 2DMove.
    • Seismic and well data interpretation.

Scientific advisors: Francisco J. Lobo Sánchez



Provision of services and price list